The Shoe Finally Drops (Or Is Thrown) On George Bush

December 15th, 2008 by Andy in Bush League, Video

I know everyone in the whole world is posting links to this and talking about it via blogs and such, but I can’t resist.

I’ve read how some people are calling for a collection of thousands of pairs of shoes to be delivered to the White House as an expression of solidarity with the ‘the thrower’. So where are they taking up the collection?

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Here’s some more insight on this event from Alistair Lyon of ReutersIraqi Shoe Thrower Captures Mideast Rage at Bush

Update: Seems this whole episode is spawning some creative response. Boing Boing weighs in with their Iraq Shoe Tosser Guy

And if you want to join in on the action, you can participate in a little Sock and Awe

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