Thomas Paine on Revolution
British actor and writer Ian Ruskin delivers a useful and historically accurate representation of Thomas Paine and his sentiments on the nature of Revolution.
Ruskin is the author and actor of the one-man play To Begin the World Over Again: The Life of Thomas Paine, which spotlights Paine in his own words.
Ruskin did this short video piece on Paine in response to Bob Basso and his rantingly cartoonish representation (and demonstrably inaccurate) portrayal of Thomas Paine in videos which went viral a few years ago, thanks to the pseudo-historical promotion of the likes of Glenn Beck, Fox News, and others. Ruskin does an excellent job in more accurately capturing Paine’s temperment and perspectives on the issues of the day, the meaning and purpose of his work, and the principles which they were founded upon.
Special thanks to Paine scholar Harvey J. Kaye for his assistance to Mr. Ruskin in developing these short program. Discover what Paine, and most of the Founding Fathers, really believed in and stood for.
Also watch Ruskin’s portrayal of Paine discussing the principles of THE ENLIGHTENMENT, and how they were instrumental to the founding of America. He also touches on immigration issues, what it means to be “illegal,” etc…