Were Marchers Attacked By Biological Warfare Agents?
Did Bush administration attack peace movement with military grade biological bacteria? Dr. Bob Fitrakis of The Free Press takes a look at some disturbing evidence.
What do we make of the Saturday, October 1 Washington Post headline Poison Found in Air During Anti-War Protest?
Washington D.C. Public Health Director Greg A. Pane posed the right question in the Post article, Why that day? That’s what is not explained. Pane pointed that it was just this 24-hour period and none since.
The Post noted that Pane found . . . it was puzzling that the finding was from a day when the mall was packed with people.Puzzling? Indeed. Biohazard sensors detected tularemia bacteria at the mall on Saturday, September 24.
Equally puzzling was an earlier Post report: Weekend protesters hit travel snags. The article reported that Amtrak trains from New York City were turned back, cancelled or delayed from heading to the nation’s capitol for the biggest peace demonstration since the Vietnam War era. Also, Metro subway cars coming into the capitol were disrupted by repairs.
Federal officials are still pondering the death of five people on U.S. soil and scores of others who were infected with U.S. military-grade anthrax in the fall of 2001.
The wholly implausible working hypothesis put forward by Pane is that the bacteria found in rodents, rabbits and other small animals just happened to occur on the same day the trains failed to run on time and more than quarter of a million people assembled to directly challenge the Bush regime’s illegal war in Iraq.
Coincidence theorists. You gotta love ‘em and their great faith in believing in the statistically improbable occurrence of events, rather than an alternative hypothesis: that friends of Bush (FOBs) planted the tularemia bacteria, just as they most likely sent anthrax to Democratic senators and the media.
Tularemia is one of six major bacterial bioterrorism agents, according to the Sherlock Bioterrorism Library serving the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases at Ft. Detrick, Maryland.
The BBC notes that tularemia is one of the most infectious germs known to science, and that it takes just 10 microbes to bring on disease in humans.
Tularemia emerged as a plague-like disease during a 1911 outbreak of rabbit fever in Tulare Lake in California. The disease progresses rapidly in humans with patients suffering from headache, fatigue, dizziness, muscle pains, loss of appetite and nausea. The disease progresses to inflamed and reddened face and eyes. The disease next attacks lymph nodes and glands, often with life-threatening complications.
Fortunately, tularemia is relatively rare in nature. According to the Illinois Department of Public Health there are generally five or fewer cases that occur each year naturally. The Kansas City Missouri Health Department tells us that most cases that occur naturally are found in south, central and western states, not Washington D.C.
Unfortunately, tularemia has been long used as a military biological weapon. We should consider the presence of tularemia a shot across the bow to the peace movement from an administration willing to cheat, steal, torture, lie and kill to further its political agenda. Karl Rove, the president’s brain, brags of his worship of Machiavelli and will do anything to keep his Texas prince in power.
Read the full article here…